Sunday, March 02, 2008

Back again after a long life

So it’s been nearly 5 months since I last wrote, and I first would like to apologize to my fans and readers. It’s been a challenging few months. Without going into too many details I’ve really been struggling with life in Los Angeles. I’m finding it a very lonely place and difficult to make friends. People might think NYC, where I come from, is an unfriendly place, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Maybe it’s because I grew up there, but making and keeping friends in LA is much much harder than in NY. Who knows, maybe it’s me.

When I last wrote I was debating whether or not to stop making videos. Well, looks like I’ll be shooting one in March, possibly two, so assuming that happens, I guess I haven’t retired yet. But it’ll be my first videos in several months and all because they contacted me. I haven’t really been putting myself out there.

So what’s happened in the last few months. I got my heart broken (only a slight exaggeration), I turned 34, and I’ve learned bad habits are hard to break. .

Regarding the broken heart. I met this guy in the beginning of December and very quickly I was there nearly every night. I spent the holidays house sitting for him (I only knew him 2 weeks at this point). He is tall dark and handsome. And when I say handsome I mean movie star handsome. Unfortunately, and I wont go into specifics, a few weeks after he returned things quickly went downhill. It’s actually a sad story, and one I cant really go into, but suffice it to say that he’s a truly wonderful man, but we had some serious problems that were beyond my control or help. It really did break my heart, even if I hadn’t fallen completely in love. (note I say completely, I had begun to fall).

The week after we broke up I turned 34. My age doesn’t bother me, most of the time. I know I judge myself to harshly but I constantly compare myself to friends, acquantainces, or my own skewed image of where I thought my life would be. And while I like my life for the most part, I cant help but feel that I’m not living up to my potential. Whatever that means.

Anyway, since I started this blog a week ago, things have picked up and life has changed even more. I am moving to a new apt, still here in Los Angeles but now I’ll be on my own again. No more roommate. Hopefully the next roommate I have will be a bf. If at all.

I also booked a trip to NYC for work (day job) and will be there a week in mid-March. Once I get back I might have to go to Vegas to do a video the following weekend, and then, that next week, on April 3rd, I go to Australia for 2 weeks. This is the first truly long vacation I’ve ever had in my adult life. I’ve never taken 2 weeks away. And I’ve never gone that far. I’m excited and nervous and impatient til it’s time to go. I’ll try and remember to take some pictures to post.

That’s pretty much the news about me for the past few months. Oh, and the bad habits, let’s just say spending time online isn’t always a productive use of one’s time. Friends might be hard to find in LA, but sex, well that’s easy. Like me.

Til next time. All my best.

Adam Faust